Phase 2: Planning and Strategy

Develop a solid business model, mitigate risks, and create a financially sound growth plan.


12/15/20241 min read

  • Build Business Model:

    • Use the Business Model Canvas (BMC) to map out key components of your business: value propositions, revenue streams, customer segments, and more.

    • Complement with the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) to align product features with customer expectations.

  • Assess Strengths and Risks:

    • Conduct a SWOT Analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

    • Develop risk mitigation strategies based on identified weaknesses and external threats.

  • Plan Finances:

    • Create Financial Projections that include revenue models, cost structures, and cash flow management.

    • Use metrics like Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) to ensure profitability.

    • Plan funding sources (e.g., savings, angel investors, crowdfunding) with clear ROI expectations.

You can find additional insights on our Planning and Strategy Phase here!

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